Monday, 3 June 2013

Berlin: A city full of history, new life and a bright future.

In a Snapshot

When I first booked a trip to Berlin, it’s fair to say I was very ignorant about the place; I knew it was the capital of Germany and that’s about as far as my knowledge went. However, the more I told people about my intention to make the trip, the positive feedback was overwhelmingly good which made me incredibly excited and curious about the place.

From arriving at the compact airport it was clear that the public transport system in Berlin is efficient and cheap. Never board a bus or a train without a ticket however - they check on a regular basis so you could be caught out.

Before leaving the airport I purchased the ‘Berlin Welcome Pack’, which is a transport ticket and a book of discounts. It set me back 35 euros for a five-day unlimited travel pass within two zones, excluding Potsdam. That's very reasonable, but if you’re going to stay central then I’d suggest walking to most places. Berlin’s not too big and there’s plenty to see as you peruse the city on foot.

The first thing that struck me in Berlin is the amount of space in urban areas. Considering it is a capital city there's so much room on the streets, compared to say London, for example. You can comfortably walk the streets of Berlin, day or night, and not have to fight your way through the crowds. Definite bonus in my eyes!

Another strikingly positive factor about Berlin is that it is CHEAP. Our first evening for two came to 26 euros - that included a beer, a large glass of red wine and a satisfying meal. Not an amazing meal but a very satisfying one nonetheless. 

Even though it is great to experience different languages, cuisine and culture, if you can’t speak any German then it makes even the simplicities of reading a menu quite difficult. Fortunately in Berlin a fair amount of people speak English and the menus often come in both English and German, so if you’re looking to practice your German, most people will see you’re struggling and speak back to you in English.

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